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New growth in the garden

Lots happening – the two clematis which we cut right back to a few sticks are both now coming up strongly. We put up some trellis-style netting on the fence to help them along.

The soil on this bed is very rough at the moment, as the horse manure we put on it has a lot of straw! So some sifting and hoeing required to get it ready for planting delicate seedlings, speaking of which, I’m been busy planting tomatoes, chillies, kale, courgettes, peas, sweet peas, basil and rocket… the toms and chillies are germinating (sown about a month ago) and the others I only put in this weekend so early days yet.

Sweet peas in paper tubes, peas in the pots…

The forsythia is lovely at the moment, as is the little dwarf cherry…

And of course the daffodils and tulips are up…

The ‘dancing ladies’ trough which was a bit of a disappointment last year is coming back to life. There are blooms on the periwinkle and the lampranthus,,,

And around the pond and rockery we’ve been clearing out the dead leaves and weeds and things are looking promising for the summer. The aster which we cut right down is showing a lot of bushy new growth, the sedum looks healthy and one of the pond plants is coming into flower. We’ve planted the irises which we bought last week at Herstmonceux, they are either side of the pond.

It’s even been warm enough for Bobby to enjoy stretching out on the patio!

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Published inGardenGarden plantsGrowing veg

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