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Happy New Year!

Oh dear, I can’t believe its been six months since my last post. One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to post more often here!

It was a lovely summer in the garden, with a few hits and misses as usual. The tomatoes did well outside, in that they all produced fruit, just not a ton of it. The plants in the potting shed just didn’t get enough sun, but hey – you learn. Courgettes were great, and also peas – we don’t have space to grow many plants though, so they’re eaten pretty quickly! Chilies – they didn’t do as well this year, mainly because I let them grow too tall and leggy. One BIG success was the netting I put around the brassicas – there was very little caterpillar damage and we’re still harvesting the Cavolo Nero. Nick’s fruit did brilliantly – the rhubarb just wouldn’t stop, in fact it’s already six inches tall with 2021 fruit. Blackcurrants – it’s a very small bush but it crops! Other things…. oh I can’t remember! Let’s wait for the summer of 2021 and hope it’s a BUMPER one!

Anyway, here are some photos to tell the story of the last couple of months…

Last 'schoolgirl' rose
The last ‘Schoolgirl’ rose of 2020, picked on 27th November…
Apple blossom in December!
Apple blossom in December!
Fatsia Japonica started flowering in November
The Fatsia Japonica started flowering in November and it’s still flowering. I love my Fatsia!
Eastbourne seafront at sunset
During November (and again now) the sport centre was shut. I really miss swimming, but I suppose there are worse places to go for a jog than Eastbourne seafront at sunset

Eastbourne beach sunset

Seagull, Eastbourne beach and pier

eastbourne beach sunny in December
… or on a sunny December day… although personally I prefer to stick to yoga at this time of year, but Nick likes his runs!
A house in the country
I was lucky enough to meet up with my old school pals just before the latest restrictions, at Ange’s lovely house in the country
a socially distanced walk
… for a socially distanced walk
chutney making Nov 20
I made some pear and ginger chutney, rather lush
I fear it’s mostly been eaten already!
chocolates making
And on Christmas Day morning I had the urge to make chocolates!
… no, they didn’t last very long, especially with the caramel filling I ALSO MADE as well as Christmas dinner!!
essay posits
I’ve also been hard at work on the MA in Poetry and Poetics that I started at York University in October…this was planning for my term essay
bobby studying
… this was Bobby helping me study!
Christmas cake
We were given this for Christmas, Nick loves Christmas cake, but actually I’ve rather enjoyed helping him out, even though I usually give Christmas cake or pudding a wide berth

By the way, I wrote the essay and submitted it yesterday, two weeks before the deadline – am I a swot or WHAT?

So there you have it… my other NY resolution is to show up every day for Adrienne’s new 30 days of yoga, ‘Breath’… so far I’ve found it wonderfully restorative (OK, only 2 days in, but nonetheless). Last year due to various ailments it took me until March to finish the 30-day course (!) but in previous years when I’ve kept going (even on days when I’ve felt tired or sore) it felt like a real achievement at the end of the month. Do take a look at Adrienne’s YouTube channel. I was a complete beginner when I started and she’s the most marvellous, supportive teacher. All for free, and easy to do at home.

SO here’s to 2021 – “let’s hope it’s a good one, without any tears”…

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Published inBeachEastbourne LifeFood & DrinkGardenGarden plantsGrowing vegPoetrySeaWalks

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