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Spring cleaning in the garden & broccoli harvest

Things are moving slowly in the garden. Just one tulip and one weeny daffodil fully out at the moment. Patience!

first-tulip march 19


The good news is we had the collapsed wall repaired, by David & Mark of Southern Landscapes, who did the garden makeover last year.  We’re really pleased with the result – here’s the before and after –

collapsed wall in garden
After the landslide


repaired wall
The rebuilt wall – we decided to have it all redone as far as the pond.

Meanwhile we’ve been harvesting the broccoli – it’s delicate and very tasty, and there’s plenty of it! We can easily pick this amount every other day and it’s still coming…

broccoli harvest march 19

And one tedious job that needed doing:

washing garden pots

They’re all now ultra-tidy and stacked in the summerhouse. It must be all those Marie Kondo programmes I’ve been watching.

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Published inGardenGrowing veg

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