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April – blue skies & beautiful blossom

It’s been a lovely April (although we’ve had to do a lot of watering in the garden as the ‘April showers’ have been few). Although we had one or two breakfasts outside in March, April has been the month where it’s become a regular occurrence. We’ve also had family staying and it’s been a good reason to get out and enjoy all the colours of Spring… the tulips were at Standen, by the way, not our garden! But we’re working on it 🙂

pink tulip - An Eastbourne Diary

orange tulip - An Eastbourne Diary

cherry blossom - An Eastbourne Diary

An Eastbourne Diary

blossom blue sky - An Eastbourne Diary

Towner Gallery - An Eastbourne Diary
The Towner gallery looks quite Georgia O’Keeffe in this light!


path above Holywell - An Eastbourne Diary
Beyond the Western Lawns, above the path down to Holywell tea chalet


top of beauty head - An Eastbourne Diary
At the top of Beachy Head
Prom around the bandstand - an Eastbourne Diary
Where the prom curves around the bandstand…


Eastbourne College's new sports pavilion - An Eastbourne Diary
Eastbourne College’s new sports pavilion


Lunch alfresco
Lunch alfresco…


BBQ with the neighbours
BBQ with the neighbours


bluebells - An Eastbourne Diary
Wild bluebells – quite possibly the English variety?? I loved all the shades of pink and blue



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