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Saturday morning shopping

We discovered the fish shop on the seafront soon after we got to Eastbourne. It’s a busy place on a Saturday. Today we came away with a massive seabass that they filleted for us, plus two lovely halibut steaks that will soon find their way into a green bean, bacon & fish bake from a Jamie Oliver recipe. Oh and two tope shark steaks – we’d never heard of tope but when I looked it up we found that it’s protected, but apparently fishermen in the EU are able to keep it if it’s ‘by-catch’. They’re not allowed to target tope. Interesting.

deans butchers Eastbourne jan2016

And then to the butchers. The Dean brothers have been trading from their shop in the Enterprise Centre for 24 years. We had some of their sausages and bacon at Christmas and were so impressed, we’ve vowed never to buy either at a supermarket again! We stocked up with sausages, chicken thighs and a pair of duck breasts. Yum.



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Published inEastbourne LifeShopping

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