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Carmina Burana at Lewes Town Hall

June 29th was the hottest day of the year so far, and Lewes Town Hall was like a sauna. That didn’t take away from the excitement and atmosphere though…Nick’s biggest choir (and the biggest in Lewes), the East Sussex Community Choir, were performing Carl Off’s Carmina Burana, together with the South Downs Youth Orchestra, Brighton Orpheus Choir (who Nick’s been conducting this term), Wallands School Choir and the Orpheus Young Singers. That’s over 200 performers and over 400 in the audience!

Needless to say it was a great night…here’s a snippet of the final chorus:

Nick Houghton conducting Carmina Burana

I was pretty proud of the publicity material I designed, can you tell?!

Robin with the poster she designed for Carmina Burana

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