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To Hastings, and a large rug

We love occasional trips over to Hastings, especially Old Town. Our friends Antony & Paul introduced us to the quirky shops there, and we’ve found the antiques and collectibles are always worth a browse.

Recently we were in the Antiques Warehouse on High Street, where I spotted a large rug…

Large rug in shop in Hastings

Large rug in shop in Hastings

I really liked the colour scheme and the funny hunting scenes and flora in the design. It was BIG too, and appeared to be in reasonable shape. And it was £125. Although my first thought was ‘oh we don’t need any more big carpets’ Nick said ‘what about in the bedroom?’ Suddenly it absolutely made sense. The carpet in our bedroom is in poor shape, despite our having had it professionally cleaned it still has several nasty stains. We’ve toyed with taking it out and stripping the floorboards as we did in the living room, but (unlike in the living room) we have neighbours below who I’m sure wouldn’t appreciate the noise of a bare floor above them. We’ve also considered a new carpet, but it’s not a cheap option. So a rug big enough to cover the worst of the stains… that could work, surely?

We went home, checked out the measurements then called the shop and bought the rug. It meant trundling back to Hastings to pick it up in the pouring rain, but it was worth it! Getting it laid in position was a mission, because a section of it has to go under the bed and under some heavy shelves. But we struck lucky – one section of the rug is a bit faded, but that’s the bit under the bed so it doesn’t show. Plus there are no holes nor any threadbare bits. Result!

And a trip back to Hastings meant we got to eat in one of our favourite haunts, the Dragon Bar in George Street…

Carpet in bedroom

lunch at Dragon Bar

lunch at Dragon Bar



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