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Catch up

Things have gone a bit quiet here but only because of so many other things taking precedence! So a quick catch-up…

The garden continued to do well right into autumn. We picked the last of the rhubarb in October, and chillies right into November. Here are the very last little yellow courgettes and green beans picked on 27th October:

The last garden produce of 2018

I dried the chillies and have kept them in a jam jar. They’re ‘Prairie Fire’ which we found hot enough, but apparently only ‘medium’ hot according to the seed catalogue…

Chillies 'Prairie Fire'

The winter on the whole has been mild so far, although we did have a mad hail storm in November…

Hail stones

Indoors, we’ve done a bit more work on the Music Room. There was something not quite working about the room. Finally, I decided it was the colour of the walls. It needed something deeper to pull everything together. We painted it Hague Blue from Farrow & Ball, and we’re so delighted with it. Although it was going from Bone, which is a pale colour, it only needed one undercoat and two top coats to get this rich colour. Fantastic. More on this room in a future post.

Farrow & Ball Hague Blue walls

It’s a shame when the garden goes into its winter closure, all the leaves have dropped and things look a bit sad. Except the lawn – that’s green and rich, unlike six months ago! I’m pleased to report that our two goldfish are still surviving.

Meanwhile today I harvested the first new season purple sprouting broccoli and it was delicious. It feels like Spring is on its way!




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Published inGardenGrowing vegMusic roomPainting

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