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Replacing the door handles

Throughout the flat are the same door handles – the ones you can get from B &Q and familiar to us from the rented flat we were in last.

Music room - old handle

Functional, but not lovely. We were keen to get some Victorian door knobs a tad more in keeping with the sumptuous doors. Extensive internet research revealed that sourcing original door knobs (and enough of them) was going to be tricky and expensive.

But the best site we found for reproduction knobs (with lots of satisfied customer reviews) was the Vintage Door Knob Centre, who had just the knobs we wanted. Ordered online, arrived within a few days, job done. They were a bit fiddly to fit but Nick did a great job.

Obviously they’ll all have to come off as we decorate, but it’s good to get them on and get a feel for how they will look.

Music room - new knob

Now that’s more like it! The back door too…

back door old handle

back door new knob

Yes, I KNOW the door needs decorating but the satisfaction of turning a lovely door knob is very real. A small but significant pleasure!

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