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Seven Sisters walk

Hard to believe this pictures were taken on 21st September. It was the last summery day this year and everyone was out to enjoy it. We decided to take the bus to Seaford, make our way to the sea and walk up Seaford Head and along to Cuckmere Haven.

Once you’ve climbed Seaford Head the walk is pretty much downhill, and you’re soon greeted by stunning views of the Seven Sisters. We sat and ate our packed lunch looking at this!

Seven Sisters

We even managed to get some photos which make it look like were on our own! Here’s Nick striding out…

Seven Sisters

And the classic view with the Coastguard Cottages…

Seven Sisters

At Cuckmere Haven the tide was coming in but we still made it across the river in time to be able to walk back along the East side to the bus stop.

beach at Cuckmere Haven

This stretch of the walk was unbelievably busy. It felt a bit like we were fighting our way through a shopping mall! It’s a very popular spot 🙂 I know it’s hard to imagine from these photos – if I’d have said ‘the place was deserted’ you’d have believed me, right?!

It was still a lovely day out though!


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Published inAround EastbourneBeachLocal places of interestWalks

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