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Tomato & Olive Tarte Tatin

I found a version of this recipe at the New York Times and adapted it slightly according to suggestions in the comments and also what I had available. There’s a more comprehensive tarte tatin recipe on my blog here, but this one was quicker to make as there was no fiddly cutting up of the onions.

I’m hoping I’ll have enough of our home-grown tomatoes to make this again later in the summer, but for now I bought them. I went for cherry tomatoes in a mix of colours. I also bought some puff pastry, thinking it would be quicker. But actually the pastry didn’t puff up a lot, and I think I will revert to my own shortcrust when making it again.

Caramelised onions and caster sugar for the base caramel
Caramelised onions and caster sugar for the base caramel
green olives
I didn’t have any kalamata olives but a jar of green olives in the fridge came to the rescue!
Roasted toms
I roasted the tomatoes in the oven with a little olive oil and seasoning for about 20 minutes

I used a smaller frying pan than the one I used for the Onion Tarte, and this one with its copper bottom was much better when it came to making the caramel. The sugar melted evenly and I have no trouble when adding the wine vinegar and whisking in the butter. After it had rested a wee bit, I added the tomatoes, olives and onions.

The filling for the tarte, ready for the pastry top
The filling for the tarte, ready for the pastry top

I don’t have a photo of the pastry top, but this is what the finished tarte looked like once it was inverted, slightly tarte-ed up for Instagram of course!

Tomato and olive tarte tatin
Ta da! Tomato and olive tarte tatin. It was delicious.


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